It’s Raining Underpants, and WE’VE TIPPED! First thousand orders flow in for My Underpants RULE! 10,000 books rolling off the presses Radio Stars have fun with Underpants – click here to listen Daily Telegraph publish great article -click to read UK’s The Bay FM show their Underpants – click to see Over 40 media outlets have featured, […]
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Underpants Weekly – 9/9/2015
The Media love Underpants This week it’s been all about media coverage, linked to Child Protection Week. Our PR team at Anne Wild and Associates have been working overtime! Here’s just SOME of the media we’ve received so far. Click on them to watch/listen/read. ABC TV News Breakfast interview Radio National Drive interview New Idea […]
ABC News Breakfast talk Underpants
Australian TV’s ABC News interviewed Kate about My Underpants RULE! as part of Child Protection Week. Virginia Trioli and Michael Rowland found out why it is important to teach this tricky subject in a child-friendly way.
My Underpants RULE! launch Crowdfunding
Initiative aims to raise funding needed for first books The background in bullet point Horrified by the headlines, former-police-officer Kate Power knew they’re just the tip of the iceberg – official figures have up to 1 in 5 children being abused! With husband Rod, they created a fun, easy way to teach kids about protecting their private parts – My […]
The News in Underpants!
Now over 100 backers! Supporter quote of the week: “I am a parent but also a G.P. I have many adult patients who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse and have also had to manage some children who are brought to see me by concerned carers. I’m amazed at how often the victims report that they […]
NSPCC use Underpants in schools trial
The UK’s top body for child safety is using My Underpants RULE! in an evidence-based study called Keeping Safe – Developing Preventative Education in Northern Ireland. The Department of Education in Northern Ireland commissioned the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) to undertake the project after research found: There were significant gaps in children’s knowledge […]
Underpants recognised top book has named My Underpants RULE! as one of the top children’s picture books on difficult subjects. The authoritative website, which advises over 300,000 parents of the best ways to support their children’s education, listed our book as the best book on the subject of “Inappropriate adult behaviour”. We’re thrilled that our Underpants get recognised in public! […]
Belfast Telegraph talks about Underpants
When given an early draft of My Underpants RULE!, Belfast Telegraph journalist Claire Spreadbury was moved to write about the question of educating children on its subject. What she said may surprise you. <a ” title=”Belfast Telegraph article” href=”” target=”_blank”>Click here to read the full article.